Letters to the Editor

With two pages of “Letters to the Editor” we may have overegged the pudding in the last issue of Christian Ethics Today. Therefore the following selection is somewhat ensmalled. It is nice to hear from readers, however, and we hope you will write—whether you get work or not. Some dozens of readers and writers have enclosed checks, some quite generous. These have been, and are, greatly appreciated. I have thought often on opening those letters and finding those splendid tangibles, of this story I heard long ago, and which I no doubt now remember hazily and imprecisely. But, as I recollect it, a Methodist pastor in England fell on hard times. Since his hardships came to be widely known, many of his fellow preachers wrote him of their concern, assured him of their prayers, and faithfully shared with him some appropriate passage from the Bible. John Wesley also wrote quoting a particularly appropriate portion of a Psalm and tucking in two British ten-pound notes. The besieged Methodist preacher promptly wrote back to John Wesley, “Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Many of our mutual friends have written and shared with me wonderful Bible passages; but only you enclosed such helpful explanatory notes.” So, special thanks for those helpful explanatory notes. Please keep those cards and letters coming….

“Thank you for sending the first two issues… I am enjoying them tremendously. I would like to offer the names of some of my friends who would enjoy and benefit from this publication as well… .Thank you for the great and timely work that you and your colleagues are doing.”
College Administrator, Florida

“Thank you for your wonderful contribution to the field of Christian Ethics. As a young pastor.. .with special interest in Christian Ethics, knowing [you] are standing in the gap gives hopeful assurance for the future… .Thank you again for your dedication and hard work.”
Pastor, Mississippi

“I cannot begin to tell you how refreshing it was to read the April issue… .1 have practically devoured it. It has been a long time since I’ve read anything quite as encouraging… .Thank you… .God richly bless your efforts in this new publication; it is greatly appreciated.”
Layperson, New Mexico

“A Senior Minister in our city has spoken highly of your publication. Please add me to your mailing list. A gift…is enclosed.”
Baptist Executive, Virginia

“I have enjoyed the two issues of Christian Ethics Today. You obviously put a great deal of good work into this… .Even so I must regretfully ask you to remove my name from the mailing list. I suffer from information overload. I have given up Newsweek and Christian Century, but do try to go to the library once a week. Enclosed is a small check.”
Retired Minister, Virginia

‘A friend let me read this copy of your journal….I love it! Please put me on your mailing list. Thank you very much.”
Layperson, South Carolina

“My pastor loaned me his copies of your first two issues of Christian Ethics Today (he may never get them back) which I read with great delight! As a chaplain and social work student they were very helpful both in ministering to patients and in writing a couple of papers….Enclosed is a…donation. Add me to your mailing list immediately.”
Minister, Arkansas

“Please place me on your mailing list… .It has been highly recommended….”
Lawyer, Georgia

“Am enjoying your publication….
Pastor, Alabama

“I am.. .communicating excitement and appreciation for your periodical. I do welcome [it]. I intend to send regular support….
Minister, Texas 

“Please add my name to the subscription list… .A recent issue was shared with me today and I am excited to find this kind of information available. It reminds me of the old days.. .when [you] spoke with prophetic clarity. I wish you well in this new venture and pray for its success.
Baptist Executive, Virginia

“Your magazine is a winner.
Minister, Florida

“Your Christian Ethics Today is informative, helpful, intelligent, clearly written—just great… .Thanks for your contribution.”
Layperson, Tennessee

“Both issues have been good. This publication is calling attention to the reality of the Center for Christian Ethics and can have a positive effect….”
Baptist University Senior Staff Member, Texas

“Thank you for Christian Ethics Today. I used it in a sermon this week.”
Pastor, Illinois

“Keep up the good work.”
Lawyer Alabama

“I am thrilled with your journal! It has some of the best thinking and writing I’ve encountered. Keep up the good work, and keep sending the journal to me.”
Layperson, Missouri

“Thanks for Christian Ethics Today. I like it. Enclosed is a contribution. Your leadership lineup is solid, your material forthright and timely, and your support base is commendable. Include us in on it all.”
Minister, Texas

“You are doing a beautiful job. The publication is needed greatly. It fills a vast vacuum… .It was like a breath of fresh air to read the material. Please find enclosed a.. .check.”
Minister, Tennessee

“Both issues have been superb. All articles have been timely and very well done, as well as thought provoking… .Frosty Troy’s article on “The Crisis in Public Education” should be read by all people involved in the field of education as well as by those who adversely criticize the public schools as a way to gain support for vouchers to send pupils to private and/or parochial schools….Enclosed is a.. .gift… .Keep up the good work.”
Minister, Arizona

“I believe this is the only publication I have ever read completely from cover to cover… .Everything in this issue caught my attention as being worthwhile, and indeed that is the way it turned out… .Refreshing… .Am enclosing a small contribution to go along with a very huge thanks.”
Educator, California

‘A member shared two copies with me and I am most impressed with your biblical and reasonable approach to various issues.
Presbyterian Minister, California



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