Starting Over
By Hal Haralson
Attorney in Austin, Texas

Judy decided early in life that God was calling her to be a pastor`s wife. This, among other things, qualified me to be her husband and we were married in 1956.

She loved her role as pastor`s wife because it gave her an opportunity to listen to people and help them with their problems. She was the kind of person people were drawn to and felt safe with.

When I left the ministry ten years later, this created a vacuum for Judy. It was not filled until, at age 40, she entered graduate school at the University of Texas.

Judy was so excited about her new career it effected the whole family. We were all proud of her determination to develop a career of her own.

In a "tongue and cheek" ceremony she asked me and the three children to come into the kitchen.

"You see that big white thing? It`s called a refrigerator. For the next three years I`m going back to school. If you want something to eat during that time, look in the refrigerator. If you find something to eat, you can have it. If you don`t, figure out how to do without it."

We discovered we didn`t have to have home-cooked meals every day.

Monday was going to be the first day of school. Judy was nervous.

"Honey, would mind riding with me over to Travis High School where I catch the shuttle bus?"

I assured her that I would be glad to do this. It was almost ten miles from our house west of Austin and I could understand her anxiety.

The trip was made and Judy relaxed. She felt more secure after a practice run.

Monday morning, I left for the law office and Judy got in her little Volkswagen and headed for the parking lot at Travis High School where she would catch an orange and white shuttle bus to the University of Texas. She had a 10:00 a.m. appointment with Dr. Earl Koile, her major professor.

About 9:00, Cornelia buzzed me and said Judy was on the line.

She sounded rather subdued. "Honey, could you call Earl Koile`s office and tell them I won`t be there?"

"Of course, anything you want me to tell them?"

"Just tell them I had transportation problems."

"Where are you?" I inquired.

"Well, a funny thing happened on the way to the University of Texas. I pulled into the parking lot and went to the corner where all these kids were standing. This orange and white bus pulled up and we all got on."

"When we got to I-35, it turned south. I was a little concerned since the University of Texas campus is north, but I figured we were going out to Ben White Boulevard to pick up some students at IRS."

"We passed Ben White Boulevard and kept going. I reached up and tapped the little girl in front of me on the shoulder."

"Could you tell me where we are going?"

"Sure, we`re going to San Marcos . . . Southwest Texas University."

"You`re in San Marcos?" (40 miles south of Austin)

"Yes." I could tell she was almost in tears.

"Is there a bus back to Austin?"

"About two o`clock. I`ve got plenty to read."

And so began three years of graduate study. A 3.9 grade average and twenty years of practice as a psychotherapist followed.

Don`t give up if you catch the wrong bus!

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