Thank You CET Readers
Joe E. Trull, Editor

For the scores of phone calls, cards, emails, and letters in response to Audra’s illness I described in my last editorial (“Lesssons from Shadowland”), we cannot begin to express our deep gratitude for your prayers, thoughts, and concern.

September 6 was a special day. Audra completed her sixth (and last) chemo treatment. It also was our 50th wedding anniversary, which we celebrated a few days earlier in Oklahoma City with a “Renewal of Vows” ceremony in the church where we first married, with all of the wedding party save one (deceased) and about 70 relatives and friends. When minister-friend Jerry Barnes asked the “Will you take this man …” question, Audra replied, “Let me think about it!” A reception dinner followed with comments serious and humorous, as we all laughed and cried throughout the evening.

When Audra finishes the precautionary radiation treatments, followed by the new miracle drug Herceptin (only 20% of breast cancer survivors qualify), she will be at the 90% range for non-recurrence. Her prognosis is excellent. She is doing very well.

Needless to say, we are grateful for so many blessings — the real presence of God, the love of family, the encouragement of friends, the skill of doctors and nurses, the concern of readers we have never met, and even Medicare, which has covered most of the treatment costs and will pay for the 18 Herceptin injections ($6000 each!).

But again, “Thank You.” Editing the Journal is our present joy and our readers are our special family. God bless you each and every one. 

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