Three Poems: The Back

The Back
By Wyatt H. Heard

[Wyatt H. Heard was a State District Judge in Houston for 21 years. Since 1991, as a lawyer, he has been doing mediations and arbitrations. He lives in Albuquerque.]

With age comes
Well, carrying old doors in–
So "Don`t push it." Right?

Two days later a yoga work shop
Four hours, no trouble. Right?

The next day real pain radiating
through the sciatic notch and down
the back of the thigh
It will be okay in a
couple of days. Right?

Two weeks pass. Then trips to
the doctor for adjustments and…
it`s going to be better. Right?

Days later pain is increasing
and orders from the physician
to take an M.R.I.

The –Father had prostate cancer
which moved into the hip
and death sentence declared.

It has been almost two
years since my prostate operation
but it did not spread. Right?

They don`t prepare a table
before me in the presence…. No they
lay me flat on the table
and move me into a tunnel–
Thirty minutes and
no movement. Don`t worry. Right?

The next day results proclaim the good news
no cancer but a ruptured disc at L5-S1.
Well, physical therapy
will take care of it. Right?

You are not the first pilgrim
who has trailed this path.
You are not as independent
as you have acted for decades,
so you swallow hard and
proclaim, "I need help." Right?


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