We`ve Got Mail Letters From Our Readers

"CET is first-rate and I appreciate your commitment and diligence."
Herb Reynolds, Waco, TX

"The Journal continues to be something I sit down and read through at once. Thanks to you and your good Board."
Sarah F. Anders, Pineville, LA

"Enclosed is a small token of the appreciation that my wife, Jane, and I have for your publication. Please use it to keep up the good work. . . . our Sunday School class at FBC Hamilton is planning a series of lessons based on selected articles from CET. You are effective here."
Jim Crouch, Hamilton, TX

"I think you are doing a great job with the magazine. I enjoy every issue and pass it on to others when I am through. . . . I am enclosing a check. Keep up the good work, knowing a lot of us really appreciate what you are doing and are praying for you."

Charles E. Myers, Ridgeland, MS

"Thank you for sending the back issues . . . I have already begun working my way through them. . . saving some for my two young sons (ages 3 and 10 months) in hope that one day they will serve as a stimulus for dialogue/teaching. My fear is that they will not be exposed to these concepts in the historical Baptist church, which from my perspective, is near extinction."

Kevin Heifner, Little Rock, AR
"Please give my regards and appreciation to Foy Valentine and Hal Haralson. This publication has been stimulating and comforting to one who served 35 years on the staff of the FMB when Baptists were truly Baptists.
Edna Frances Dawkins, Richmond, VA

"Thanks for the excellent publication. I hope that it will continue to grow and expand; you are providing something unique and badly needed. Thanks!"
Dorothy Diddie, Waco, TX

"I greatly appreciate and heartily support CET. So many good things come out of Texas these days! I am grateful for those who stand tall for true biblical truth as Baptists at their best have represented it. For years I have admired and believed in your predecessor."
Nolan Howington, Nashville, TN

"My father, Kenneth Chafin, passed away on January 3, 2001. I was searching through CET`s Index [Issue 31] today looking at some of my father`s writings that have been published. I`m interested in ordering these back issues." [We were happy to provide these for Troy and for his mother.]

Troy Chafin, Austin, TX
"Congratulations and prayers on becoming editor of CET. I read every word of it when it comes to our house. Thank you! Right now…I am editing the history of South Main as a part of our 100th anniversary which comes up in 2003." [Yvonne also sent her significant book, The Stained Glass House: A Handbook for Minister`s Wives, a resource every clergy wife should read].

Yvonne Garrett, Houston, TX
"I have received CET from the first edition. I greatly admire the work of Foy Valentine and his courage to initiate such a project."

Ernest Atkinson, Tyler, TX
"My wife and I thoroughly enjoy CET and eagerly await each issue. This is a very worthwhile publication and I wish every Baptist could or would read it."

John Casey, Heflin, AL
"Thank you for taking over the editorship…Foy Valentine did a marvelous job and the quality continues under your leadership. For those of us who are "pre-1979 Baptists," the Journal provides some contact with those who are of like mind and spirit. May our tribe increase and never decease!"

Isaac B. McDonald, Elizabethtown, KY
"Thanks for your refreshing and enlightening Journal. I look forward to the coming of each issue. I have encouraged several friends to get their names on your mailing list."
George A. Haile, Baton Rouge, LA

"I also want to express my appreciation for the continued high quality of the journal. I find that each issue of the magazine is worthwhile to read from Kudzu to the reprint of the great commencement address at the University of Texas by Bill Moyers."
Pope A. Duncun, Chancellor Stetson University

"I appreciate the fact that you have continued to include a variety of articles on different topics in each issue and the format that make this journal so distinctive today. Each issue continues to educate and stimulate thought in areas of concern important in society."
Ralph H. Ramsey, III, Lubbock, TX

"Thank you for your comments about contributions . . . I do value the articles . . . Stimulating thoughts trigger new avenues. Keep sending the good viewpoints. Frankly, they help me keep my balance in spite of fundamentalists."
Bill Chafin, Amarillo, TX

P.S. Every letter we have received has included a contribution, for which we are grateful. The phone just rang-a strong supporter from Houston called to encourage and to let me know he was sending $1000 now and more later. Tomorrow is Easter. Hallelujah!

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