Letters From Our Readers

“Sometimes I feel so alone in Baptist life, then your magazine comes and I say, ‘I’m not the only one out here. There are others like me.’ And I keep on believing and praying and hoping that one day we will become Baptists again.
Quintin Lockwood, Ashland, KY.

“Thanks a million for the Valentine books! I have given one to David, one to Lan, and two to the church library. I trust they will achieve wide readership.”
Landrum P. Leavell, Wichita Falls, TX.

“The journal is like manna to my hungry soul-hungry for contact with real Baptist Christians-and all bonafide followers of our Lord. It was my joy and privilege for thirty-five years to teach at our “late” seminary-Southwestern-having been displaced by the present enforcers of fundamentalism.”
Charles A. Tidwell, Ft. Worth, TX.

“I wrote Foy and congratulated him on the publication of his book. Now I want to congratulate you on the super job you do . . . so much food for thought!”
Judy Brooks, Santa Rosa, CA.

“Reading O’Brien’s Pilgrim in a RacistLand brought tears. Such courage and love thus demonstrated is ‘love in action.'”
Ed Atkinson, Tyler, TX.

“Thanks for CET-I enjoy every issue. And, thanks for Breakfast at the Elite Café. I spent more time there than I should have when a student at Baylor. . . . When I came to the Baptist Message [as editor], it had not printed photos of blacks ‘unless they were in a foreign mission situation that included a white SBC missionary.’ I changed that policy [and] I wrote an editorial about race . . the only time in 27 years I have ever really been afraid for my life.”
Lynn Clayton, Alexandria, LA.

“I’m greatly appreciative of my copy of Foy’s new book . . . Thank you for all the good work you do promoting Christian ethics.”
Paul Vasquez, Chaplain Hendricks Medical Center, Abilene, TX.

“I read Breakfast at the Elite Café and it brought back many memories of my days at Baylor in the early forties. I was not aware that Don was your brother . . . a great football player. I also enjoyed the articles on Fundamentalism and Reflections of an SBC Refugee. I regret that I have been driven out of the denomination I loved and served. SAD!”
Perry F. Webb, Jr., Kerrville, TX.

“Every issue, every article enriches my life and challenges me to be a better person.”
Ruth K. Wiles, Buckeye, AZ

“I am with a group of men who do church construction as a mission project. We share devotions with each other three times a day. I plan to use Foy Valentine’s article, “Ich Glaube an Gott.” Could I have some copies to share to introduce our men to CET?”
Doug Cole, McCalla, AL.
(We sent 30 books and several Journals for the group.)

“I find myself saying with Elijah, ‘Lord, all have forsaken you and I alone am left’ or “Lord, am I wrong?’ Then comes the current issue of CET holding fast, faithful to our Lord and my hope and faith are renewed and strengthened. Praise God!”
Truett Ott, Osyka, MS,
Baptist lay-leader and personal friend who went to be with his Lord in May.

“I commend you for maintaining the Maston-Valentine et. al. tradition by emphasizing the integral role of ethics in the Christian faith. Its absence is sadly needed in the SBC leadership.”
Cecil Thompson, Knoxville, TN.

“Now that I am 84 years of age this 2004 book is even more delightful reading! Foy and Brooks Hays, along with Roselyn and Jimmy Carter have kept my faith in humanity alive and well!”
Margaret Kolb, Little Rock, AR.

“I would love to give each of my Reba Class members at South Main BC one of Foy’s books-we have 48 on roll. I am hoping to get them to subscribe to CET.”
Sarah Cole, Houston, TX.

“I should like this gift marked in memory of my old friend, Howard Bramlette, for many years a valued staff member of the Student Dept. of the SBC and one of many who were ‘purged’ after the fundamentalist takeover.”
Charles Wellborn, Georgetown, KY.

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