Book Reviews
“Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed.”          Francis Bacon (d.1626)

Ghosts of Liberals Past
John Young,
Author House, Bloomington, IN, 2007.

Reviewed by Darold Morgan,
Richardson, TX

            John Young is a columnist and editor for the Waco Tribune-Herald, and a well-known liberal “in the heart of Bush country,” writing in the center of some of Texas’ most conservative regions. This book is a collection of columns which reflect his opinions, some of which are guaranteed to push up blood pressures regardless of one’s political views. His writings are often picked up by news services across the land. Young has become quite well-known for his satirical humor, his acerbic style, and occasionally some exceptionally timely advice in these controversial matters.

            Since the book is a collection of his writings, some are dated in this fast moving, ever-changing political scene—local, state-wide, nationally! Young has had a field day for material since Waco is located near Crawford, Texas, where the Bush ranch is located. Couple that with the world-wide attention the Branch-Davidian tragedy brought to this part of Texas, and one has endless directions to trace about attention-getting subjects. Few things are sacred to this able and capable newspaper reporter and columnist. Subjects he writes about are myriad and flammable: gay marriage, gun control, race relations, civil unrest, abortion, the national debt, conflicting political philosophies, election malfeasances, dirty political tricks….and this list is just a starter! Even nearby Baylor University gets an occasional drubbing.

            One wonders how Young could get away with some of his remarks in the Waco environment, but frankly, it makes for some very interesting reading. On rare occasions one really needs to read material that is controversial, colorful, and challengeable. Young’s book is guaranteed to meet all three of these characteristics, and besides that, he is a very good writer.

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