Letters to the Editor

"I want you to know I have enjoyed Christian Ethics Today better than any of the journals I receive. It is a joy to find it in my mail box as each issue comes off the press. I especially appreciate the Maston Colloquium articles. Although this is the first time I have made contributions, it is my hope that I can continue systematic gifts to assist in the timely publication of future issues. This journal is one tool I do not want to lose."
Pastor, Texas

"It was great to receive a copy of your publication….It is gratifying for us to read the views of people dedicated to the promotion of Christian ethics who share our views. So many appear to be caught up with those warped views of the `Religious Right` that it is refreshing to read a document grounded on basic principles. We both particularly enjoyed Walter Rauschenbusch`s `Why I Am a Baptist`
Management Consultant, Texas

"Thank you for sending me Number 4 of Christian Ethics Today It is the best journal I have read in a long time. I am sharing copies of several of its articles with friends…."
Layman, South Carolina

"Please discontinue the publication [sic] as we are well [sic] into our eighties and cannot see to read and appreciate the.. journal as we would like to."
A Couple of Good Folks, Texas

[Editor`s Note: Reminds me of the time Miss Bertha Smith made a motion at the Southern Baptist Convention "that the present leadership of the Christian Life Commission be dissolved." I really wouldn`t have minded being fired; but the thought of being dissolved was, at the moment, somewhat disconcerting.]

"The last issue is fantastic. I`m very interested in getting 12 more copies to circulate around in our church."
Pastor, Florida

"I commend you for the magazine, especially on the variety of articles….Excellent….You…are a great help to all of us."
Lutheran Minister, Massachusetts

"During the past year, I reached the age of three score and ten. Additionally, I have elected to rotate off each board and committee as my current term expires… .There is one other phase of my related activities which I wish to reduce. Accordingly, I am requesting that you remove my name from your mailing list. This will save you the postage and will help me to reduce my reading
Layman, Texas

[Editor`s Note: SELAH]

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