Love Goes for a Walk in the Park

Love Goes for a Walk in the Park
By Oda Lisa, February 2015

One fine day, February courted spring,
But their mild meeting was no summer fling.
Basking in sunshine, fair was the weather,
Folk and critters shook off winter’s dither.
Boy, about eight, plays fetch with his big dog
and rewards each return with a big hug.
two Best Friends Forever skip, arm in arm,
a sweet sisterhood without any qualms.
Man passes by, holds his pregnant wife close.
she, smiling up at him, clutches a rose.
a mom encourages her little tyke,
teaching her daughter how to ride a bike.
a white-haired couple of a certain age,
strolling, held hands, she and cane were his aids.
truly, Love went for a walk in the park,
Blessing these beings, who lighten the dark.

Oda Lisa is a regular contributor to Christian Ethics Today. she has a “poet for hire” service and can be found at

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