Never Again Once Again

 “Never Again” Once Again
By Al Skaggs

Oppressive living conditions in Palestine
under the heavy hand of Israel
suggest the government of Israel
and many of its citizens,
along with many American Jews
and conservative American Christians
who gave their uncritical support to Israel,
are suffering from a state of denial.
Holocaust-deniers are reprehensible;
but so are all of those, mentioned above,
who do not acknowledge the sub-human
existence of the Palestinians.
Nothing is more outrageous than the brand of evil
that denies there is cause for criticism.
How can one understand Eli Wiesel,
Holocaust victim and Nobel Peace Prize recipient,
when he says that he cannot criticize Israel?
He, of all people, should know better.
Not to criticize Israel in the face
of this monstrous and militant injustice
forced upon the Palestinian people
is to denigrate the memory of the Shoah.
“Never Again” has happened once again.

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